The Best Excursion In Puerto Rico, El Yunque National Forest

I’ll never forget this excursion and I hope you’ll try it when you go to Puerto Rico. You will love it!

The absolute BEST experience I had in Puerto Rico, hands-down, was our trip to the El Yunque rainforest.  The area I’m going to tell you about is called Las Tinijas.  I’m going to share with you my experience and give you some tips on making this the top of your list of things to do in Puerto Rico.  I’m going to show you some natural water slides and cliff jumping and rope swings.  This rainforest should be on the top of your list whether it be hiking, sightseeing, or checking out the rivers and waterfalls. 


First,  let me tell you a little about El Yunque National Forest.  This is the only rainforest in the United States.  This is the rainiest area of the country with up to 200” of rain each year. You need to be careful because if there has been lots of rainfall there could be flash flooding – so check the weather before you book your excursion.  I recommend you use an experienced tour guide.  By paying the extra money to use a tour guide or join a group you will gather much more information on the hidden gems of the rainforest such as the types of plants and trees that are indigenous to this area.  Using a guide will avoid getting lost or backtracking on the trails to find this attraction.    Some areas of El Yunque you may need to book ahead of time so check out my links below to further explore the National Forest.


El Yunque National Forest – Home (


Full disclaimer here…this adventure is NOT for everyone.  If you have any physical impairments, heart conditions, difficulty climbing or other condition which would prevent steep difficult climbs – this is not for you.  Because this area is so wet, just know that you need to wear water shoes or sneakers that you don’t care about using again.  You definitely need good gripping shoes for this walking and climbing excursion. (Check out my water shoes under product review) You will DEFINITELY get wet and dirty.  Ladies, no need for make up on this trip and definitely think about those false eyelashes.  I saw a lady come up from jumping off the cliff and I thought she had a large black bug on her face… it was her fake eyelash that had come off and attached to her cheek.  I’m totally serious!! LOL. 


Thrill seekers will love this because there is climbing, jumping off cliffs into deep pools of water and rope swings. Check out some of the videos of my crazy husband jumping from the cliffs below.  I am not as adventurous as him, but I did do the water slide and jumped from a much smaller cliff.  


You need to be prepared so I recommend you bring a backpack with extra water, your Turkish Towel (these are so light wait and dry fast),  maybe even a first aid kit in case of scrapes or cuts.  You also want to be sure you have another pair of dry shoes and clothes to change into after your day of adventuring.  A go-pro would have been super cool to have or even an underwater camera. 

Guided trips to this area will usually offer a lunch stop after the you’ve finished at the water slides.  Lunch for us consisted of a stop at a local food/fruit market.  Oh man the food was so good, authentic Puerto Rican cuisine.  The food was not expensive either, we had more than enough food for $7 each and SO yummy.  You can buy local fruits at this market as well. 

As I said before I recommend having a guide if you want to take full advantage of the knowledge the locals have to offer.   You can also check with Concierge at your hotel as they may have some groups they work with frequently.  The prices aren’t bad considering this is a 6 to 7 hour excursion.  Adults can range from $73 to $100 depending on the company you use. 

If you are going to Puerto Rico and you want to experience something you will never EVER forget…. I HIGHLY recommend Las Tinijas in El Yunque National Forest. 

If you’ve enjoyed this post, then please go to my contact page and leave your email so I can share with you when I have new bog posts you might enjoy. 

See you next time!


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