Turkish Towels

A couple years ago I was going to Costa Rica and I wanted to pack as light as possible. I was searching the web for products geared towards travel and came across someone’s post talking about Turkish Beach Towels. What is this thing you speak of?? I’ve never heard of it. The first thing I do is google it. Apparently, the towels are made from Turkish cotton which is a quick drying, absorbent cotton. They boast to be light and easy to shake sand out of. It said they are odor resistant. From my research it says that the best towels are the ones with 100% Turkish cotton because they have more absorbency. One comment I read said that they get softer after repeated washings. Of course, I had to buy one. I’ve had it for 2 years now and I take it everywhere with me. I LOVE IT. Because it is thin, it folds up to fit in the backpack super small and it doesn’t take up alot of room. Its absorbent and it drys quickly. I HIGHLY recommend one if you travel. Who wants to drag around a soaking big towel to let hang on your balcony to dry for days and it’s still damp. (can you tell I’ve had this happen before?) This is what you want. I’ll put a picture below, but just look around Amazon. They are anywhere between $20-30. The link below is an affiliate link and I make a small commission on each purchase.


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