Horseback riding on the beach in Puerto Rico

This stable is fantastic!!

Ahhh horseback riding in Puerto Rico. Have you ever had the experience of riding a horse on a sandy beach? Waves on one side of you and the forest on the other? What an amazing feeling. The wind blowing warm tropical air through your hair, the sound of the waves crashing on shore. The warmth of the horse below you, the smell of the animal, the power of this huge animal, the sound of the hoofs clumping in the trail. All this makes the experience so great.

I was very impressed because these horses were so well taken care of.  They were well-fed and the facilities they lived in were very clean.  Unfortunately, some of the horses I saw in PR were grossly underfed and you could see their ribs.  These horses looked happy and healthy.  The stable only does 2 trail rides each day, 9:30 and 3:30.  I’m glad that they don’t overwork these horses doing back-to-back rides.  Each tour is about 2 hours… just enough time start feeling the sore rump.  



The guide for our ride was good and kept a good eye on everyone making sure we were all safe and stayed together.  During the ride he showed us an almond tree, a mango tree and other flora and fauna indigenous to Puerto Rico.  He had us take a break by the beach and our horses had a chance to eat some leaves and for riders to take a water break.  


When we got back to the stable, our guide introduced us to the newest member of the stable, little Luna.  She was so new that she still had her long baby hair.  


In conclusion, I would recommend this stable for a great experience.  With knowing these horses were well-fed and take care of, it made the ride more enjoyable for me.  If you find yourself in the area of Isabela, Puerto Rico, and you’re looking for a wonderful horseback riding experience, call this stable.  You won’t be disappointed.


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Until next time,






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