Solo Kayak trip on Spoonwood Pond

Solo overnight Kayak trip, Spoonwood Pond, Hanock, NH

A woman doing an overnight kayaking trip alone can be dangerous, but it can also be invigorating. 

My husband and I have boated Nubanusit Lake in Hancock, NH many times over the years.  Nubanusit is  a 718 acre lake and the water is so clear you can see the bottom almost anywhere on the lake.  We have loved this lake and really enjoy the pristine beauty of the surrounding trees.  No jet ski’s are allowed on Nubanusit.  The fishing has never been really good here, for us anyway, but that’s not why we go.  We love the peacefulness of the lake and the clear clean water.

There is another body of water adjacent to Nubanusit, only accessible by carrying your kayak over a small area of land called a portage.  This pond has no boat ramp on Spoonwood and no gas engines are allowed.  This pond is owned and managed by the Harris Center. 

Now that I have that out of the way…. So one day hubby and I decided to canoe instead of boat and we Canoed across Nubanuset and pulled the canoe over the portage and on to Spoonwood.  We explored the shores and saw some cool clearings for camping.  I told him that I’d like to come back here by myself and do an overnight.  He looked at me like I had 3 heads and said “Alone?”   “Ahhh YA alone”  was my response.  He didn’t seem to keen on this idea so I let it go for a bit.  I know he was worried.  Now mind you, there is no cell service on Spoonwood so there is no way to contact anyone should I need help. I understood his concern.  However, I’m a bit on the stubborn side and of course, I didn’t let it go.    I told him that I was doing it.

About 2 weeks later the weather looked like it was going to be a clear and very warm weekend.  Its time!!  He was planning to be away for the weekend so I though it was the perfect time.  He was concerned but he knew I was going anyway.    I put my Kayak on top of my SUV and headed to the boat ramp at Nubanusit with my little dog, Woody.    It took me a while to get the Kayak unloaded and put all the things I needed for an overnight in my Kayak.  It was a challenge for sure to get my tent and my sleep mat tied on so I would lose it while I crossed the lake.  I had to keep my items to just a few things…towel (my Turkish Towel you’ll see in my product review section) toothbrush, tent, sleep mat, sweatshirt and yoga pants, bathing suit and a light blanket.  For food items I brought bread and peanut butter, water, a couple of doughnuts for breakfast and of course… wine.    Everything all tied on securely… off I go with Woody.

Its about a mile to the Spoonwood portage and we did that just fine.  Cell service ends just before the portage so I phoned the husband and checked in.  I told him if he didn’t hear from me by 5pm the next day to be concerned.    The hard part of this was trying to get my weighted down kayak over the land to put it in Spoonwood.  Damn, now I’m not a weakling by any means… but it was no easy feat to drag that damn thing up a hill and over to the pond.  I was sweating and swearing a bit but I DID IT!.  Now I can’t find my dog.  He decided to wander off and pee on everything he could.  Ok so now I have Woody and we are back in the Kayak. 

Paddling across the pond was surreal.  There was no one else in sight.  There was no noise except nature.  No boats, no people…so nice.  I took my time and slowly made my way across the pond.  I found a nice open area and pulled up to it.  I made it!!!  Ok now I may have been a little nervous but no time to panic.  I unpack my kayak and set up my tent.  Ok now its time to collect firewood.  Woody follows me all around and is having such a good time sniffing and peeing on everything. 

When everything is set up for the night, its time to swim and relax.  I go and sit on a rock and see a fish hovering over a spawning bed.  The water is so clear I can see even crawfish crawling on the bottom of the pond.  The only thing I hear is the birds and the wind.  Its so hot out and time to go swimming.  Do you know if you take your lifejacket and put your legs through the arm holes (like a diaper) you can float upright and hold a Nalgene bottle of wine?  Haha, well I had to improvise.  Now picture this… It’s so hot out, I’m floating around in my backwards lifejacket with my wine… alone.   Sometimes no sound can be deafening but in this case it was pure pleasure.  I’m peaceful, relaxed and alone with my thoughts. 

Ok now It’s getting dark, time for a campfire.  We and the Woodster sitting by the fire.   I made sure we put the tiny campfire on the beach area right next to the water.  It was perfect.  Time to reflect, time to sole search, center my being.  Wow, I’ve never experienced peace like this ever. 

In the morning more swimming and exploring.  Woody and I enjoyed the morning and early afternoon just paddling and enjoying life. 

Once packed up and on my way back to Nubanuset I phoned my husband and let him know I survived.  Back at the boat ramp I found that I got a ticket on my care.  Apparently there is no overnight parking allowed. 

I must say that being alone and relying only on me for the night was exhilarating.  I would do it again and I’m sure I will.

What I did not know was that I wasn’t supposed to be staying overnight there without permission of the Harris Center and campfires were not allowed.  I didn’t know that until I did some research on this blog post.  Oops.  I guess I’ll have to find another place to go next time.

See you next time!

5 thoughts on “Solo Kayak trip on Spoonwood Pond”

  1. Theresa Steiner

    Sharon this is amazing! Both your written words and the pictures! I hope you keep this up. This is the first one I have read but I will try to keep up. It’s inspiring 😊

  2. Kelly St Pierre

    Sharon, I remember seeing your post on Facebook. But didn’t know you were without cell service or that you shouldn’t have been there overnight… if only you had a friend in law enforcement who could’ve looked up the rules for you. LOL!

    1. Hahaha Right Kelly!! I should have gotten permission from the Harris Center before overnight camping. They do allow it but by permission. It was so worth it!!

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